Simply put - they will get you seen and get you traffic. The number one key to success is consistency. Your articles need to be written regularly, distributed widely and all point to one location with an enticing signature line.

There are many ways to write an article. perhaps the easiest and the best are the quick tips and numbers articles.
Here are some examples -
5 Quick and Easy Way to Make Spring Bouquets The 7 Secrets of Earning Money on the Internet 3 Quick and Easy Ways to Write a Review 10 Top Tips for Buying a Domain Name
Write about what you know, make it human, natural and original and you'll be off to a good start.
There are some great articles about writing articles to be found on the internet, and some great products too. I've reviewed a few myself and have a couple of firm favourites that have really helped me out. Sometimes with direct tips and at other times for some moral support to keep at it.
Articles don't need to be long. In fact, they're more likely to get picked up if they're not. This is the age of information overload. Short (250-500 words), and sweet (easy to understand and clearly presented) articles are what people are looking for.
Follow Me! Every article you write should have a good signature line. And it needs to contain 3 things: something about you, an irresistible invitation to your website, and a link to your website.
Your sig. line is an invitation over to your web place. Come to my site for... what do you have to offer?
Free advice? Articles? Product reviews? Free ebooks? These are all good things to invite people to take a look at.
See my signature line below and you'll get the idea, it follows the same 3 step formula - about me, my invitation to visit my site, and my link.
Once you've written your article you need to submit it. It's easily done, simply set up a free account somewhere like and follow the steps to submit your article. From there it will get plenty of reads and may well get picked up for inclusion in some ezines too. The more you write, the more you'll benefit.
Where the Money Comes In So articles and a good signature line will direct free traffic to your website. But how do you earn money once people get there?
I have 2 favourite ways, and here they are...
1. Google Adsense
Google Adsense is the system that lets you display Pay Per Click (PPC) ads on your website. When visitors click on them, you earn somewhere between a couple of cents and a dollar every time, depending on the value of the ad they click.
Tip! However, we ought to understand that successfully earning money on internet via any online business form not only will require some selling activities, it also needs other related supporting business activities. Whether it is in form of selling product or providing service, the money is still very much generated by form of “Selling”.
2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a way of earning money by selling other people's products. The place to go to find out more is Clickbank, the number one affiliate program. The product? ebooks. Clickbank authors usually pay between 20-60% to affiliates who induce a sale via a link to the product sales page.
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