We aren't going to bother making a website or anything like that; I'm going to show you the quickest short-cut to earning the money today.
Now once you've signed up with ClickBank we're going to go to the button "Promote Products"
Finding your first product to affiliate with I would suggest you go for a topic that you know something about. This will make writing your Google Ad much easier.
Search for a subject that you know a little bit about. I would also recommend choosing a product where you will make at least $20 for the sale.
Of course first, I want to be sure that there is a market for this product, I want to check to see if people are searching for it. So I'm going to head over to overture http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ And place in the keyword of the product I think I would like to promote.
If the keyword is being searched over on Overture a decent amount then I know there is a market for this product.
Now I'm going to see if the salescopy (website) is up to scratch.
Does the header draw you in and make you want to read more? Yes
Does it have believable testimonials? Yes
Is the offer genuine and believable? Yes
Does it have visuals of the product? Yes (not a requirement for myself)
Does it have Free Bonus's? Yes (also not a requirement for me to promote it but definitely adds value)
Are they offering a money back guarantee? Yes
I would definitely promote this website. So now I need to set up a Google Adwords campaign. This is now going to be the hardest work of it all. As you can see everything else we've done so far is a breeze.
If you're not sure on how to set up a Google campaign I show illustrations on how to do this in my book "Affiliate Marketing - Quick Start Guide". If you don't already have this book you can get it for free by signing up to my newsletter at http://www.joesy.com
Because this is a digital download (they all are through ClickBank, ClickBank only deals in digital products) and if the subject refers to people worldwide I would promote this globally in my Google Adwords campaign.
Now you need to write your ad that will bring people to want to click on it. Say if I was promoting a product that shows people how to play the guitar… I would test a heading like: Learn to Play Guitar (in this subject line I've used the main keyword they've probably searched for "guitar" and I've suggested what this site will teach you "Learn to Play".
Next is setting up your keywords. I use either http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ or wordtracker to help me find keywords for this product.
You will want to come up with around 200 to 300 keywords. I generally try to find keywords with little competition, this way I pay less per click.
You ad should be activated in around 10 minutes. You can check this by typing one of your keywords into Google and look for your ad. - Joanne King
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